The Union of Wisdom and Compassion is Bliss

Spontaneous Union
by Lyudmila Klasanova
of Tea House BDG

When the sun and moon embrace each other
And when the sky and earth kiss each other
They perform the sacred ritual of the spontaneous union
Of body, speech and mind.
They pronounce the mantra of male and female paths
In the spontaneous silence of bliss.
Enter into the mandala of great bliss
To attain the accomplishment of natural state
And rest your mind in that great perfection.
This is the state beyond state;
The feelings beyond feelings;
The awareness beyond awareness;
The emptiness beyond emptiness;
The bliss beyond bliss;
The great union of emptiness and bliss.

In that great union bodhicitta descends from the inner sky
And ascends from the inner earth to unite in the heart,
The awakened heart of pure and unconditional love.
In that spontaneous union
The individual self is dissolved in the oneness of great bliss.
In that natural union
The primordial wisdom rises as thousands suns and moons.
In that boundless union
The absolute truth is displayed as a complete circle,
Overcoming life and death.


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