
Each being is unique, as is each relationship. As we work together, we co-create. My aim is to offer loving presence, wisdom, and compassion and serve as an ally to your own unfolding path. Through experience, I can point to what you seek. To genuinely find — it requires awakening your inner teacher, muse, unconditional compassion for self and others, and inherent luminous awareness. I hold space for this process with impeccable devotion and care.

  • Partswork is a process of guided self-discovery, inspired by IFS (Internal Family Systems), Jungian Active Imagination, and the Q’ero practice of soul retrieval in 1.5 to 2-hour sessions. We work together to discover and unfold the many aspects of personality — the parts of us that can become entwined and enmeshed with our deeper essence and true nature — at times obscuring it. By liberating these karmic constructions, we can invite more peace, compassion, and self-knowing into our experience and resolve our own suffering.

    Partswork is a great addition to standard therapy or as a way to find clarity in the short term. Committing to ongoing sessions is optional, although regular Partswork can be very beneficial.

  • A deep commitment to personal growth and transformation over the course of time. This is a commitment to your individual path with guidance, help, and unwavering support. Together we will discover what is at the center of your mandala, unravel stuckness, find clarity, reignite creativity, generate balance, reweave into Earth, process being human, and discover what unfolds.

    We will spend committed time unraveling, unfolding, weaving, and creating whatever needs attention in your life. These are longer sessions with time for reflection, integration, or experimentation. I may prepare a synthesis of what we discussed and provide resources and inspiration for further inquiry on your own. These conversations may also include partswork, family constellations, guided visualization, bilateral movement, somatic inquiry, and other transpersonal modalities.

    These are 1 or 2-hour sessions over a period of time that feels right for you,.

  • Relationship is our richest path. In the reflection of the other, we hone our true nature. As we unfold for another, we unfold to ourselves. This is a process of deep work and understanding beyond the traditional therapeutic framework. We explore embodiment, compassionate communication and connection, the importance of pleasure, and freedom to be not one, not two, but something beyond polarity and duality.

    Couples Work is practiced under my offering called Alchemic Relation. Please visit this website to find out more information.

  • We gather as a group, either in-person or virtually, to use particular aspects of life as alchemical fuel for the fire of transformation. We pull from shared universal experiences to take a deep dive into self-discovery, shadow work, partswork, pathwork, meditative awareness, personal truth, universal truth, and deep presence to discover, unfold, and become intimate with the most profound aspects of our being. This is a place and space of learning, sharing, discovery, support, creation, friendship, and love.

  • These are a series of conversations and in-person or virtual somatic and meditative explorations to help you prepare for a profound mystical or entheogenic healing journey or other rites of passage such as birth, death, or a major life transition. Preparation enables you to refine intention, gather tools for the journey, create a sense of safety and curiosity, open space in the psyche, and prepare the foundation for your experience to land fully. Integration helps you make sense of profound experiences and find the pathways forward for further unfolding, both healthfully and holistically. I am committed to harm reduction for any journey and therefore believe preparation and integration are essential.

    These are 1 or 2-hour sessions over a period of time that feels right for you.

  • Occasionally, during or after a profound experience of expanded states of consciousness, the journey can become challenging or even adverse. This experience requires informed and experienced holding in order to guide the person back to baseline and within their window of tolerance. Spiritual emergence/emergency, reactivation, or flashback is often misunderstood, and in the hands of the wrong type of support system, the issues can endure or become prolonged. With gentle, informed, and experienced guidance, these states can become integrated, leading to greater well-being and understanding within the individual.

  • I support both new and experienced entactogenic, entheogenic, and transpersonal guides in their process of learning and working with clients. I pull from over 28 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge. I am available to support on an individual basis or in small groups. Please contact me to inquire.

  • An ongoing series of multi-day retreats where we work in small groups in ceremony, ritual, process, and pathwork. These can be experienced individually or in progression to work around the mandala of being. This is deep work that requires the possibility of an open mind and open heart. The goal is transformation and liberation in a way that is deeply personal and unique to you. Awakened awareness is the interweaving bliss of the ascending path of compassion, the descending path of wisdom, and all that exists within, without, and between. When the full spectrum of experience is integrated into our being, we find knowing, stability, balance, presence, power, peace, harmony, and unconditional love.

    All retreats are by invitation or referral only. You can find more information here.