An ongoing series of multi-day retreats where we work in small groups in ceremony, ritual, process, and pathwork. These can be experienced individually or in progression to work around the mandala of being. This is deep work that requires the possibility of an open mind and open heart. The goal is transformation and liberation in a way that is deeply personal and unique to you. Awakened awareness is the interweaving bliss of the ascending path of compassion, the descending path of wisdom, and all that exists within, without, and between. When the full spectrum of experience is integrated into our being, we find knowing, stability, balance, presence, power, peace, harmony, and unconditional love.

All retreats are by invitation or referral only.

Seven Portals

Seven portals into understanding the true nature of reality from a deeply personal perspective. Non-dogmatic intensive practice on a path of liberation offered over an auspicious three-year cycle of time — beginning with Portal: Earth.

Please get in touch for upcoming dates and more information.

Portal: Earth begins in February 2024. Please contact me for more information, refer a friend, or join the mailing list.

  • The Opener

    Opening the eye: The ascending journey to a possibility beyond ourselves.

    We work with rituals of seed medicine, breathwork, meditation, visualization, the spectrum of awareness, enneagram, dyad, spontaneous movement, and the seven realms of being. This is an introduction to embodied transcendence and the generation stage of devotion, compassion, right view, and equanimity as we step forward on the path.

  • The Uniter

    As above, so below. Roots, ground, and leaves: Opening to triune love — self, other, and All.

  • The Holder

    Discovering profound presence, healing, and the inner teacher. A vision quest and a dance with nature.

  • The Connector

    Embodied interconnection and the wisdom of dependent arising. The reflection of Indra’s net.

  • The Gatherer

    Single pointed awareness as a path to profound insight and creativity.

  • The Weaver

    Paradox as path, Polarity as healer, Non-duality as teacher. The union of shadow and light.

  • The Transporter

    An arrow through time. Deeping our relationship to past, present, future, and the eternal now.

  • The Elder

    The descending journey to grounding and our deepest embodied wisdom.

  • The Awakener

    The gateless gate. The union of compassion and wisdom is — bliss.

The Mandala Path

Multi-day intensive retreats infused with Earth wisdom in service to integrative awakening and the mandala of being.