
By J. A. Jones

Dissolving into the cosmos, remembering all knowledge I had forgotten. Know!

Or surrender

I enter a deep vipassana and watch the constructs form. I am trying to let go of all concepts and constructs.


What do I hear? Your thoughts. I am one millisecond before each thought of the "other." I am mesmerized by the sheer variety of perceptions. I can feel my power in this. But it is just a game. Your constructs and concepts are the same as mine. I have already traversed this desert.


My thoughts are your thoughts. Your thoughts are my thoughts. As one, we are dreaming, weaving, and creating existence.
It is a whirlwind, a union, it is pure creation, and it is beautiful.


We are the past, the present, and the future. We are our ancestors and our children.


We are the collective conscious.
We are the archetypal duality that fuels creation.
We are the paradox.
We are the beauty.


We are also the mountain, the oak, the meadow, the bear, the hummingbird, the honeybee, the river.


We are the sensations that move the mountains of feeling — We are love, longing, loss, joy, desire, hope, fear, fearlessness.


We are the ghost, the goddess, the Dakini, the angel, the devil, the priestess, the shaman, Kali the Destroyer, and Kali Ma.


We are the energy itself. Swirling and turning, collapsing into black holes, exploding from the depths, in all forms, in all directions, in all space and time, in All.


We are the Alpha and the Omega


There is nothing on this event horizon.
But somehow I am because we are.

And the one who is cast down from Heaven is seen. We call them by many names. But these names are meaningless — it is only fearful clinging to the last vestige of being when all else has been surrendered.

The name is "I" when Consciousness faces the Absolute

There is heartbreak in this willful duality but there is also overwhelming compassion, joy, equanimity, and love for every Atman consciousness which has stood at the feet of the holiest and divine Brahman — feeling afraid and unworthy to enter.

And there, at the doorway that has no door, the gateless gate, neither inward nor outward, this way or that way, good or bad. There is only compassion, joy, equanimity, and love.

I touch the Earth


There are no words for this place. It is beyond nothingness. It is beyond perception, thought, feeling, time or anything else imagined or imaginable. It is beyond death because death is yet another construct. All arise from primordial purity and all return to primordial purity.

It is creation and destruction
For creation destroys
And entropy creates
It is all, and all is one



The Great Dharmadhatu adorned in Dharmakaya

The Beloved

Yet here, born out of this All and this Nothingness — an awareness aware of itself.

Because Nothing is nothing without Something
Because it is, we are

Therefore born
The eternal breath
The inhale
The nothingness
The exhale
The nothingness
The union forever of this entire dance
Its shape is infinity

A first breath
A last breath
Our first breath
Our last breath
My first breath
My last breath

AUM — the meaning of the sacred sound.


Breath travels forever in union around Hridaya -- the secret heart of hearts
And it is — eternal.


The Alpha and the Omega


The energy itself. Swirling and turning, collapsing into black holes, exploding from the depths, in all forms, in all directions, in all space and time, in All.


The ghost, the goddess, the Dakini, the angel, the devil, the priestess, the shaman, Kali the Destroyer, and Kali Ma.


The sensations that move the mountains of feeling — love, longing, loss, joy, desire, hope, fear, fearlessness.


The mountain, the oak, the meadow, the bear, the hummingbird, the honeybee, the river.


We are collective conscious.
We are archetypal duality that fuels creation.
We are paradox.
We are the beauty.


We are the past, the present, and the future. We are our ancestors and our children.


My thoughts are your thoughts. Your thoughts are my thoughts. As All, we are dreaming, weaving, and creating existence.
It is a whirlwind, a union, it is pure creation, and it is beautiful.


What do I hear? Your thoughts. I am one millisecond before each thought of the "other." I am mesmerized by the sheer variety of perceptions. I can feel my power in this. But it is just a game. Your constructs and concepts are the same as mine. I have already traversed this desert.


I enter a deep vipassana and watch the constructs form. I am trying to let go of all concepts and constructs.


Reconstituting from the cosmos, remembering all knowledge I had forgotten. Know!

Or remember.

To surrender




Be Here

