Be Here

By J. A. Jones

Time is stubbornly nonlinear. There is no past and future. There is only one moment, there has only ever been one moment, and there will only ever be one moment.

From nothing came everything in one breath. And in that one breath, everything includes all possibilities. So if you quiet your mind and listen to your breath, you can see time disappear, and all the possibilities are there like a vast ocean of waves moving into and out of each other for eternity.

If we exclude or ignore any possibility, emotion, sensation, or other manifestation, we deny the reality of the universe and, therefore, ourselves. So the key is to include everything. Because in All is everything — including pain, rage, and resentment.

When we can allow it, we can befriend it, and when we can befriend it, we can bring it in harmony with its counterforce, which is peace. Because peace cannot exist without non-peace. The key is in holding both equally, not grasping for one and rejecting the other. And with that simultaneous holding of the truth, the chaotic waves in the ocean of eternity return to primordial purity, which is beyond peace, and one’s own suffering ceases. And then, we see the ultimate nature of reality.

Ram Dass clarifies with beautiful precision what he means by “be here now”. Skip ahead to 18 minutes in to hear.


For Calling The Spirit Back

