Meditative Tarot

Egipcios Kier Tarot Deck

By J. A. Jones

Tarot is a twilight language, which utilizes numbers, the elements, symbols, linear and non-linear paths, archetypes, conscious and unconscious energies, hierarchical and holistic structures, and is multi-dimensional.

At its essence, it is the language of paradox, atemporality, and inner wisdom.

Used wisely, the Tarot can deepen your insight, foster a path of meditation, support creativity, and expand your awareness.

Deepening our relationship with symbolic language, metaphor, archetype, and allegory helps us articulate our experience more precisely, personally, and deeply. Words mirror the thoughts of the mind and serve as an expression of the ego. At times they are inadequate for expressing the ineffable nature of our deepest being.

Symbolic language, on the other hand, offers a broader palette. It calls from time eternal — an expression outside ourselves. Symbolic language is the language of the timeless, the community, the anima mundi, the nous.

Tarot allows us to transmit our experience through a logic that belongs to all —a universal language. With this language's assistance, we can access, recognize, and distinguish our thoughts, subtle body, and awareness — and eventually, the nature of awareness.

Tarot leads us to a deeper embrace of paradox. It can show us the inherent emptiness of dogma, constructs, and concepts, and at minimum, relieve us of hardened solidified views of self, other, and our environment.

I have used Tarot to guide creativity, insight, integration, and meditation in my daily practice for close to 30 years. By engaging with Tarot and developing a relationship to symbolic language, a shift in both creativity and consciousness can occur. One can move from a hierarchical, concrete, and structural engagement with the mind, psyche, and soul towards a more holistic, equanimous, grounded, and spacious sense of beingness and awareness.

Rolla Nordic Deck


Hermes and Circe